


FERPA 十大网络彩票平台大全

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BSC在联邦法律下负有责任, the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, 保护学生教育记录的隐私, and the obligations of the institution regarding the release of educational records and the access provided to these records. Student educational records considered confidential may not be released without the written consent of a student unless such action is covered by exceptions permitted by the Act.

如果你有任何问题, 十大最大的网络彩票平台这里包含的任何信息, 请与学习记录处联系:
Phone: 701-224-5420
Email: BSC.records@taegutectimes.com

BSC Forms


Allows students to provide a consent to disclose personally identifiable information contained in their educational record. A student may either "ALLOW" the release of their information or "REVOKE" the FERPA information they already have on file.
  1. Sign into Campus Connection
  2. 选择BSC eForms tile
  3. 从左侧菜单中选择学业记录
  4. 选择“FERPA发布”



Allows students to request directory information to remain private.  
Directory restriction will remain in effect until revoked by the student using Request to Remove Restriction of 目录信息 request located on the BSC website.  Such revocation shall not affect disclosures previously made by the selected institution prior to the receipt of any such form submission requesting revocation. 

Student Rights

  • The right to inspect and review their education records
  • 要求修改教育记录的权利
  • The right to provide consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  • The right to request personally identifiable information, 或者目录信息, 不公开.
  • 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. 教育部.
Students are defined as individuals who are or have been enrolled in credit classes’ at BSC, regardless of age or parental/guardian dependency status. FERPA does not apply to records of applicants for admission, who are denied acceptance and do not enroll in classes.


教育记录就是那些记录, files, documents, or other materials that contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by the College or by a party acting on behalf of the College. This includes any information or data recorded in any medium such as handwritten, electronic, email, video, or audio tapes, etc.  It is more than just the academic record and is not confined to the student’s file in the academic records office.
  • 有学生姓名和身份证件的文件
  • 个人身份信息(SSN, DOB, Student ID, Address, phone, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, 居住身份等…)
  • Grades/G.P.A./Academic Standing
  • 课表/考勤/花名册
  • 考试、论文和其他评分十大网络彩票平台大全
  • 学业成绩
  • 计算机显示屏幕
  • 学生财务记录
  • 独管记录: 教学记录(书桌抽屉的笔记), supervisory, and administrative personnel kept in the sole possession of the maker of the record and not revealed to anyone.
  • 执法单位记录: Records of our campus law enforcement unit created and maintained separately and used solely for law enforcement purposes.
  • 工作记录: 与雇员有关的记录. NOTE: Records of individuals who are employed as a result of their status as students (e.g. work-study or graduate assistant) are education records.
  • Medical records: Records kept and maintained by a health care professional, used solely in connection with medical or psychological treatment and are available only to individuals providing treatment. 这些记录受HIPAA保护.
    • Student medical or treatment record released for any purpose other than treatment, the record becomes educational and is released according to FERPA.
  • Alumni records: Records created by an institution after a student has left the institution. 
Consent is required to release educational records to any individual, agency, 或下列组织以外的组织:
  • College official with a legitimate educational interest.
    • 一位大学官员 is a person employed by the college or 北达科他州大学系统 in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or support staff position (including law enforcement personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the college has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, 或代收), 在官方委员会任职的学生. employees of the North Dakota Attorney General's Office providing representation to BSC, to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena and to parents in cases of drug or alcohol violation when the student is under the age of 21.
    • 合法的教育利益 is when a faculty, staff or other official needs to review an education record to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.    This could include a person serving on an official committee, (such as retention, scholarship, 纪律或申诉委员会), an academic advisor needing access to an advisee record, person or organization acting as an official agent of the College and performing a business function or service on behalf of the institution including contracted vendors, and to parents in cases of drug or alcohol violation when the student is under the age of 21.
  • 指定为“目录信息”的信息
  • Parents of a student who is a dependent for IRS tax purposes
  • To comply with judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
  • 与健康或安全紧急情况有关
  • 学生申请入读的机构, if disclosure is for purposes relating to student enrollment or transfer
  • Person or company supervising an educational experience (clinical experience, practicum, internship, etc.)
  • Accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions.
  • Person or organization related to credentialing or licensing a student
  • Person or company with whom the College or 北达科他州大学系统 has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, 或代收)  
  • Employees of the North Dakota Attorney General's Office providing legal representation to BSC
  • A person serving on the Board of Higher Education; or 在官方委员会任职的学生, 例如纪律或申诉委员会, or assisting another College or University System official in performing his or her tasks
  • 美国的授权代表.S. 美国总审计长.S. 司法部长,美国.S. 教育部长, or state and local education authorities ("Federal and State Authorities") when investigating government sponsored or affiliated programs.
  • 进行研究的机构, or on behalf of, BSC, 为了发展, 验证或管理预测性测试, administer student aid programs or improve instruction.
  • Parental notification for alcohol or drug offenses by a student under the age of 21.
Student seeking access to their educational record are subject to the following:
  • 学生应向学业记录办公室提交, written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect.
  • 一位大学官员 will review the request and forward as necessary if the records are kept by another office.
  • Arrangements will be made to provide access and inspection within 45 days of the request.
  • Students must provide proper identification prior to inspection.
  • Designated staff will review and interpret the contents of the record with the student.  任何内容都不会从记录中删除.
Student has the right to ask the College to amend the education record if they believe the record contains information that is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights. 
  • Student should provide in writing to the Academic Records Office:
    • 要求修改的记录类型
    • 修正案要求
    • 记录不准确或误导的原因
    • 任何证明文件.
  • 指定部门将审核该请求.
  • If the department decides not to amend the record as requested, the student will be notified in writing of the decision and of the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.
Student who wishes to provide consent to disclose personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent must provide the college with signed and written consent.

A student may either "ALLOW" the release of their information or "REVOKE" the release of information they already have on file by completing the following:
  1. Sign into Campus Connection
  2. 选择BSC eForms tile
  3. 从左侧菜单中选择学业记录
  4. 完成《十大网络彩票平台大全》
传真请求是合法的书面释放,电子邮件不是. The written consent must specify the records to be released. 说明披露的目的, identify the party or parties to whom disclosure may be made and be signed and dated by the student and retained

希望向美国移民局投诉的学生.S. 教育部 concerning alleged failure by BSC to comply with the requirements of FERPA should do so by providing specific allegations, giving reasonable cause to believe that a violation occurred to the following:
U.S. 教育部
400 Maryland Ave. SW


Directory information is information contained in the educational record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.  Directory information may be disclosed publicly in printed, electronic, 或其他形式,未经事先书面同意.
  • 学生法定姓名*
  • 家乡(市、州)
  • 校园电邮地址
  • 主修领域(所有申报专业)
  • 辅修专业(所有申报的辅修专业)
  • Class level
  • 出席日期
  • 注册状态(退学、半日制、全日制)
  • 曾就读院校的名称
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • 身高,体重和运动员的照片
  • 获得的荣誉/奖项(仅限学期末)
  • 获得学位(所有获得的学位)
  • 获得学位日期(所有获得学位的日期)
  • Directory photos, photographs, and video recordings of students in public or non-classroom settings (photographs from classrooms or class-related activities are NOT directory information)
*如果学生提供一个首选的名字, the college or university tries to use it when communicating directly with the student. 首选名称是一种受支持的业务实践, unless there is a documented business or legal reason to use a student’s legal name. 与外部第三方沟通时, including parents, the college or university generally uses a student’s legal name.

限制目录信息:  Under FERPA, students have the right to request directory information 不公开.  BSC has an obligation to meet the student’s request and not share this information.  Students who wish to restrict the release of directory information should realize that this action could have negative consequences.  The names of students who have restricted their directory will not appear in the commencement program or any other publication.  Also, employers, loan agencies, scholarship committees and the like will be denied directory information.  Should you decide to inform BSC to restrict directory information any future requests from non-institutional persons will be refused.
This restriction does not include a right to be anonymous in the classroom, 无论是面对面还是远程教育教室.  

Allows students to request directory information to remain private.

Directory restriction will remain in effect until revoked by the student using Request to Remove Restriction of 目录信息 request located on the BSC website.  Such revocation shall not affect disclosures previously made by the selected institution prior to the receipt of any such form submission requesting revocation.
Request to Remove Restriction of 目录信息


  • When a student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending post-secondary institution regardless of age, FERPA权利转移给学生.
  • Parents may obtain non-directory information when their student has provided a signed consent (FERPA Release) to the institution or provides evidence of dependency as defined by Internal Revenue Code of 1986 – Section 152. 
  • Students may give access to a parent/guardian as a proxy to view or perform some actions in CampusConnection, 例如查看成绩/课程或支付学费.